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What people are saying

"Owie BowWowie has made an incredible difference in the lives of our patients, their families and our hospital staff. My dream is to one day be able to give an 'Owie BowWowie' to every child I have the privilege of seeing." 

—Beth Welch, MS CCLS, Child Life Specialist 

Northridge Hospital Medical Center

"The patients at Children's Hospital Los Angeles each treasure their Owie BowWowies™ and smiles abound when Owie is around. Owie makes such a difference in the lives of our children, and no hospitalized child should be without their Owie BowWowie™."
—Dee Imai, Nursing Manager, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

“Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. It was our pleasure to further our mission and provide comfort at the recent Owie BowWowie care day for the kids in Pediatrics. The day was a huge success, lots of smiles from the children who are having the hardest times right now, and Owie and the Kiwanis will be there for them."
—Chris, Kiwanis Club of Pasadena,
President 2010-11

"The comfort that Owie BowWowie and Friends provides to ill and injured children are a significant part of their healing process, while in hospitals and beyond. Thank you for sharing your vision and toys with our kids."
—Joanna DeLeon, Director, Loma Linda University Children's Hospital

It can be challenging trying to comfort sick, overtired or distressed children!  

All of that can change with Owie who calms their fears.


When children are admitted to hospitals some feel abandoned. Their sense of alienation is intensified on their first day, when an average of 54 different strangers enter their room. Disturbances during hospitalization can manifest themselves in loss of appetite, insomnia, bed-wetting and thumb-sucking. 


Owie BowWowie® is  specifically designed as part of an integrated approach in treating the whole child.  Owie BowWowie® provides a cuddly companion, a FUR-EVER FURiend, and the feeling of security. With Owie BowWowie®, children are not facing their fear or treatment alone because Owie BowWowie® goes with them.   Thousands of Owie BowWowies® have provided emotional healing to children and Owie BowWowie® is a proven solution as a safe, static free, hospital approved, therapeutic comfort companion.


To learn more about how you can get Owie BowWowie® into your hospital, please contact us today. 



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